Molecor, leader company in the development and commercialization of TOM® Oriented PVC pipes (PVC-O) will collaborate next 28th June in the XVIII FENACORE Technical Meeting: “Irrigation communities and energy production for self-consumption” which will take place in the capital of Spain, Madrid.

Molecor in the XVIII FENACORE Technical Meeting




The annual Technical Meeting of FENACORE (National Federation of Irrigation Communities of Spain) will count for the opening act on the presence of Mrs. Esperanza Orellana (General Manager of Rural Development and Forestry Policy). Several subjects as the innovation in irrigation and the financing of renewable energies will be tackled during this event.

Irrigation should start using new technologies for a more efficient management and to satisfy the requirements and needs of a society which demands a high commitment to the environment by using more respectful, reliable and materials and equipment with a longer useful life.

In the modernization of the irrigation infrastructures with the implementation of the latest technologies are diverse: promotion of saving and improvement of water use efficiency, transfer of technology to the irrigation sector and use of alternative hydraulic resources. In conclusion, the final objective is to develop a sustainable and environmentally friendly agricultural activity.

Pipes are a basic element in the projection of networks. Their contrasted quality, hydraulic capacity and durability in time must be taken into account in order to remain in service without being affected by mechanical, chemical and micro-biological actions.

The TOM® PVC-O pipes are presented as an excellent alternative to be used in irrigation networks thanks to their hydraulic capacity, efficiency in the exploitation phase and their low costs of maintenance due to their high physical, mechanical and chemical properties.

Molecular Orientation provides PVC-O pipes with significant advantages in the quality of the product, its installation and use. But also, these pipes offer a more eco-friendly behavior towards environment, thus improving the sustainable development and the consumption of resources and becoming an ideal product to promote the circular economy.

Fenacore is a non-profit and politically independent organization that gathers the entities (irrigation communities, irrigation unions…) dedicated to the administration of water for irrigation, both superficial and underground. The main goal is to apolitically defend the interests and rights of water, harmonizing the effort and work of all the parties involved in the Spanish irrigation and collaborating closely with the different public administrations in the design of the water policy of the country.