New updates on the International Standard for PVC-O clearly show the trend towards big diameters in PVC-O pipes.
The global reference in PVC-O pipes is the International Standard ISO 16422. The first version of this standard dates from 2006 and was a very complete guide for PVC-O users throughout the world having into account American, Australian or European practices regarding the product. The product range at that time came to a diameter of 630 mm, which was good enough because not a single manufacturer was able to reach this diameter all over the world.
In that very same year, 2006, Molecor was founded, and since the first day its vision was to become a global leader in Molecular Orientation issues. Something that 8 years afterwards is easily recognized in its continues innovation for the product developing new socketing solutions, manufacturing fittings and enlarging the range of products till DN 800 mm (30”). So the limit of 630 mm is no longer valid because there are pipes DN 800 and soon there will be pipes DN 1000 mm. Molecor is proud to push limits beyond every year.
The new ISO 16422:2014 is the second edition from the first ISO 16422:2006. It is a minor revision of contents, but brings the standard up to date to what Molecor new technology is bringing to the table. Product range on PVC-O goes now from DN 630 to DN 1000 mm.
The ISO 16422 is the mirror where other international and national standards look and, step by step, they will update to the new market requirements.