The PVC-O is known from the 80’s but it is during the last years that the market of this product has experienced a very important growth strongly conditioned by the evolution of the technology.

In the following chart, it is represented the PVC-O pipe installed capacity in 2006. As it is referred, some countries such as Australia, New Zealand, Colombia and France, Spain, The Netherlands and Portugal had already manufactured units and thus, a market demand was created. The estimation for the total installed capacity worldwide was 38.000 T/ year.

Estimated PVC-O pipe capacity worldwide in 2006:

The evolution of PVC-O

Owing the evolution reflected during the latest 25 years, the period in which PVC-O pipe properties are discovered, it is during the latest 8 years that the market evolution has been boosted, with a worldwide increase in the production capacity by almost 100.000 T/year, which is much higher than in the previous period.

Estimated PVC-O pipe capacity worldwide in 2014:

Moleco Technology


When analyzing the different markets, one can see that Australia, the country with the highest contribution in 2006, has experienced a growth in capacity, together with an increase in the orientation class up to 500 and an enlargement in the range of the offered products, Ø DN 100 (121,7 mm) - 600 (666,5 mm) and pressures PN 12.5,16,25 bars. This is a market eager to implement the latest available products, aspect in which differs from most of the countries, where the infrastructure sector is strongly traditional.

In 2006 Europe represented a great market contribution with 14.000 T/y. In 2014 the production capacity has increased 242.8% up to 34.000 T/year, comprised by 17.000T/year given by Molecor with 14.000T/y and its licensees. The acceptance of PVC-O pipes is highly recognized. Latin America has sharply increased from 2.000 T/y to 36.000 T/year as well. Molecor licensees represent 25% of the current installed capacity. Other countries such as China, have shown a keen interest on PVC-O pipes.

In addition, some countries have recently been included in the list, such as South East Asia or India, and some others are expected to accede and continue with the trend as well. A good reference on the market demand is reflected in the new PVC-O standards and certificates published which have been increasing every year.

Molecor TOM