Molecor will be present at the Technical Conference of the Plastic Industry, event organized by ANAIP (Spanish Organization of Plastic Industries) with the support of ICEX within the framework of the 2017 Sector Plan and with the goal of boosting the brand “Spain”.

Plastics in agriculture and the Circular Economy are two of the topics that will be tackled in this event. Topics in which Spain is very well positioned, especially in Central and South America.

The high interest of these markets in efficient solutions for the hydraulic infrastructures has led Molecor, Spanish company worldwide leader in technology and in the manufacturing of Oriented PVC Pipes (PVC-O) for the conveyance of water under-pressure, to consolidate its presence in order to present the best economic and technical alternative for the design of the networks and to show the role that PVC-O pipes play within the framework of the Circular Economy.

Molecor, leader in the water industry, due to its continuous process of Research and Development, provides innovative solutions that satisfy the changing needs of the international market, introducing, positioning and consolidating the Spanish offer in the external markets.

TOM® Oriented PVC Pipes (PVC-O) are an excellent alternative to be used in hydraulic networks due to their efficiency and low maintenance costs. Furthermore, due to their physical and mechanical properties, TOM® PVC-O pipes ensure reliability in supply and environmental protection. These pipes present a significantly lower environmental footprint than other alternative products, contributing to the correct sustainable development of the planet and optimizing the consumption of natural resources.

Molecor collaborates in the Technical Conference of the Plastic Industry (Lima - Peru)

Molecor collaborates in the Technical Conference of the Plastic Industry (Lima - Peru)