Head losses in PVC-O pipes

The main purpose of the hydraulic dimensioning of a pipeline is to determine the diameter of the pipe. The basic design conditionings are the required flow rate and the pressure required at the endpoints of the network. In addition to this, other factors such as the design speed or the head losses (continuous and localized) are also involved, as well as the characteristics of the materials of the network (roughness and cost, mainly).

Hydraulic calculations for the design of networks

Any design project for a water transport or distribution network is based on the determination of a need for hydraulic supply (Qh) at one or several consumption points.

In the case of transport between two points, there will be a need for a certain flow at the outlet point that matches the flow along the entire network (Qt). However, in the case of a distribution network with several consumption points, there will be different flow rates along the network depending on the mesh, flow rates and consumption points (Q1, Q2,…Qn).

Head losses in PVC-O pipes

The main purpose of the hydraulic dimensioning of a pipeline is to determine the diameter of the pipe. The basic design conditionings are the required flow rate and the pressure required at the endpoints of the network. In addition to this, other factors such as the design speed or the head losses (continuous and localized) are also involved, as well as the characteristics of the materials of the network (roughness and cost, mainly).

Hydraulic calculations for the design of networks

Any design project for a water transport or distribution network is based on the determination of a need for hydraulic supply (Qh) at one or several consumption points.

In the case of transport between two points, there will be a need for a certain flow at the outlet point that matches the flow along the entire network (Qt). However, in the case of a distribution network with several consumption points, there will be different flow rates along the network depending on the mesh, flow rates and consumption points (Q1, Q2,…Qn).