Molecor, company committed to technological innovation and the continuous development of new products, has developed geoTOM®: a new application that allows geolocating the products that are part of the channeling networks in which its pipes and fittings, TOM® and ecoFITTOM®, both in Oriented PVC, are installed.
It is really easy to start using geoTOM®. First, download the application, available for both Android and iOS. Then you will need to register. After doing so, you can create different projects, add new parts, include comments, add images, ask for assistance, report incidents, etc. To add new components to the network, the application is simple and intuitive; simply scan the QR code on either the TOM® pipe or ecoFITTOM® fitting to be installed and you will be able to immediately access all of the product's information: from its production, raw material, production centre, batch number, date and time of manufacture, among other characteristics, right up to its installation. In addition to products manufactured by Molecor, parts made by different manufacturers can be added from the library or components can even be added manually.
You can download the application by scanning the following code: