Molecor Tecnologia S.L., Spanish company founded in 2006, was conceived and is holistically dedicated to the development of technology and the manufacture of TOM PVC-O pipes. With only ten years of history, it is positioned in the global water market as the leader in technology and manufacture of PVC-O products for the conveyance of water under pressure.

Throughout its trajectory Molecor has changed and expanded several times its facilities to increase its production capacity, thus providing better service to customers and strengthen its position in R&D.

  • 2013 - transfer of the activity in the area of PVC-O ​​pipes to new industrial facilities in Loeches (Madrid).
  • 2014 - transfer of the activity in the area of ​​technology to new industrial facilities in Getafe (Madrid).

In 2006, before Molecor started producing PVC-O pipes, the worldwide manufacturing capacity was estimated at 38,000 tons per year. Currently the company has a global presence, its technology is installed on five continents, and after its short trajectory, the world's estimated production capacity of PVC-O is 144,500 tons per year. This represents an increase in the world production of more than 380% with the technology developed by Molecor.

The mission of internationalization of Molecor refers to a solid and sustainable business model, relying mainly on increasing the technology and PVC-O pipes exports. Molecor firm commitment to R&D goes beyond the development of technology since the company has showed its technical advances in the manufacture and commercialization on five continents, of TOM Oriented PVC pipes. The actions and projects in Europe, Africa and South America can be highlighted.

Year after year, Molecor is strengthening its position in the international market due to the product quality and service the company offers, and to the expansion of the network sales through transnational agreements with prestigious companies.

Responding to the vocation of global enterprise, in 2014 Molecor began its international expansion, constituting marketing companies in South Africa and Paraguay, which will be followed by successive societies in other geographical areas of the world. Molecor has also partnered with a well known company for the development of PVC-O class 500 pipes in Southeast Asia thus contributing to the international expansion and recognition of the Molecor brand.

Throughout its trajectory Molecor has received several awards and recognitions that have contributed significantly to consolidate its presence and global leadership as a developer of technology for the manufacture of oriented PVC pipes. Among the most important awards received are:

  • Entrepreneur XXI Award. Award received in 2012 that rewards the most innovative companies of two to seven years, acknowledging the contribution they make with profitable and sustainable solutions for society.
  • Solvin Awards. In 2013 the company was awarded with the highest award in the competition, dedicated to innovation and technological advances of PVC in different sectors. The 78 participating projects came from very different sectors ranging from construction to electronics; gardening road safety; health to mechanical engineering and other manufactures.
  • CEPYME 2015 Awards. The company was awarded as the best "Small Business of the Year" in the II CEPYME awards convened by the Spanish Confederation of Small and Medium Enterprises together with the Spanish Federation of Autonomous (CEAT). In that category it is awarded business excellence considering entrepreneurship, innovation, internationalization and employment creation.