Molecor obtains the Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) for another of the most significant products in its wide range of PVC plastic solutions for water: the TR6® pipe, the first PN6 oriented pipe for irrigation. This certificate joins those already obtained for the AR® Soundproof Evacuation System, the TOM® Pipes and ecoFITTOM® fittings in Oriented PVC, and the SANECOR® corrugated PVC System.
This voluntary certification is evidence, once again, of the company's firm commitment to sustainability and the evaluation of the impact of its activities in the field of plastic pipes, as TR6® PVC-O pipes are the most sustainable solution on the market for the application of irrigation due to their lower carbon footprint and lower energy consumption throughout their useful life.
This Environmental Product Declaration or type III ecolabel, like the previous ones, has been developed in accordance with EN ISO 14025 and is based on the Product Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) according to ISO 14040 and ISO 14044, from cradle to grave, i.e. from the acquisition of raw materials through production, distribution, installation and use to the final disposal after long-term use.
As Product Category Rules (PCR), EN 15804:2012 + A2:2019 ‘Sustainability in construction. Environmental product declarations. Basic product category rules for construction products’, which define, among many others, the environmental parameters to be declared, the life cycle stages to be considered, the processes to be included in each of the stages, the rules for the life cycle inventory (LCI) calculation, the impact assessment and the conditions for comparability between EPDs.
The LCA assessment was carried out using the SimaPro software, taking into account the emission factors of the Ecoinvent database in its most updated version available at the time it was carried out.
AENOR was the independent body in charge of verification, guaranteeing the reliability and accuracy of the information provided by the company to assess the environmental performance of the company's products. Likewise, as administrator, it has registered the EPDs within the Global EPD programme, which is recognised within the ECO Platform.
Continuing with the environmental premise through eco-labels and certifications, Molecor once again sets itself the objective of promoting sustainable building and the construction of sustainable hydraulic infrastructures, highlighting the importance of the preparation and verification of EPDs as a key instrument in reducing the environmental impact in the construction sector.