Molecor® has renewed its website in order to provide better service and improve interaction with users, who can now enjoy an easier and intuitive, able to adapt to any device navigation.

The official website Molecor® has registered a large number of visitors since was published but, in spite of this, the company has decided to reinvent launching an intuitive and easy to use website with which to offer its customers all the information and products, without losing its essence of proximity and quality.                                                                                                                         

With a fresh new website design, has a simple, fixed and accessible menu for quick access to corporate and business information, in addition to new modules with information that enhances the functionality and interaction with users.

The website is in continuous progression to suit the information needs of users of the various groups of interest of the company.

Among the key features of the website we can highlight: availability in several languages, adaptation to mobile devices, connection with social networks, expansion of multimedia content, possibility of downloading catalogs, certificates and technical documents, easiness both when doing internal searches within the web as well as to contact Molecor®, and access to the latest news and events of the company.

Molecor new website