You will only hear advantages
The range of pipes and fittings that make up the AR® Soundproof Evacuation System has been specifically designed to solve the evacuation of fluids in networks (drains, downspouts and suspended collectors) with the highest requirements in the reduction of acoustic levels. Likewise, its wide range of parts allows to solve any type of solution proposed by the designer, adapting to all the requirements of the Technical Building Code.
Most of the complaints about noise in buildings come from problems with the soundproofing of downpipes for water drainage. The battle against noise must be won during the design of the building, since prevention in the reduction or damping of noise emissions is more effective and economical than later repair or reinforcement.
The building regulations of each country require a level of protection against noise from neighbors and external sounds as a starting point for the creation of optimal housing. Acoustic pollution is an additional factor in determining quality of life indices. Failures in noise protection have far-reaching consequences for builders, installers and planners, because they are often impossible to correct, and if they can be corrected, they are very costly.
Article 14 of the Basic Document HR (Noise Protection) of the Technical Building Code warns that, in order to limit the risk of disturbance to the users of the dwellings, the elements of the installations will reduce noise emission during their operation, both in new construction and in rehabilitation and renovation works. The soundproofing values obtained in the laboratory of the Fraunhofer Institute in Stuttgart, according to the UNE-EN 14366 standard, are well below the limit values established by RD 1367/2007.
The AR® soundproof evacuation system also has a reaction to fire classification of B-s1, d0, the highest that a plastic material can obtain. The system can be installed in any part of the building and in all types of buildings, whatever their use, complying with all the requirements of the CTE in case of fire. The AR® soundproofing system has obtained the "NF Me" fire safety certificate, granted by the Laboratoire National de Métrologie et d'Assays (LNE), by AFNOR Certification (France).
Dampens the noise inside the installation
Minimal wear and tear
Prepared to withstand adverse conditions
No further treatment
No anti-corrosion treatment after installation
Mechanical strength
No extra protection needed
Abrasion resistant
Against chemical agents
Fire protection
Special additives slow down the fire
100% recyclable
100% recyclable material
More than 50 years
During the process of developing AR® soundproof system, our R+D+i department has verified through many laboratory tests the best behaviour of the three-layer pipe compared to the traditional compact pipes, both from the point of view of reaction to fire, as well as in relation to acoustic emissions. These three layers are each specially designed for a specific action.
The difference in density of the layers means that part of the acoustic energy is dissipated before going outside, with the consequent reduction in noise nuisances.
1. External layer: in PVC with special additives, designed to withstand adverse mechanical actions without any additional protection.
2. Intermediate layer: in PVC with high density mineral charge, which provides unbeatable acoustic insulation of the tube.
3. Internal layer: in additive PVC, specially designed to withstand high temperatures and abrasive substances. Extremely smooth inner surface to prevent sticking.
TBC DB SI Safety in case of fire
The best fire protection in the market
In a fire, most people are hospitalized not for burns, but for smoke inhalation.
The levels of self-demand of Molecor always go beyond the current regulations. For this reason, AR® soundproof system has obtained the “NF Me” Brand Certificate for fire safety, granted by the National Metrology and Testing Laboratory (LNE), under the auspices of AFNOR Certification (France).
This certification measures the swelling rate of the material when subjected to high temperatures. This swelling helps to plug the downspout assembly and its accessories, slowing down and preventing the spread of the fire during the fire.
TBC DB HR Noise protection
The most demanding soundproof performance
The range of pipes and accessories that make up AR® Soundproof Evacuation System has been specifically designed to solve the evacuation of fluids in networks (drains, downpipes and suspended manifolds) with the highest demands in terms of noise reduction.
The noise values emitted by AR® Soundproof Evacuation System are well below the maximum permitted by the Technical Building code, which guarantees great comfort in homes and a significant reduction in the inconvenience caused by the drainage of fluids.
TBC DB HS Water evacuation
Complete adaptation to the Technical Building Code
The evolution of construction processes, permanent research into new materials and the need to construct more comfortable and safe buildings are requirements that it takes into account in order to provide new solutions to the market.
Thanks to this level of demand, the AR® Soundproof System complies with current regulations, meeting all the requirements of the Technical Building Code.
AR® Soundproof Evacuation System has been subjected to the toughest resistance tests to guarantee its reliability against noise, wear, corrosion, mechanical actions, abrasive materials and temperature.
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