The drinking water line of 101 neighborhoods in Antalya is being renewed until the end of 2022.
Within the scope of the drinking water infrastructure renewal mobilization initiated by the Antalya Metropolitan Municipality in Kepez and Muratpaşa, a total of 12 thousand 533 meters of drinking water mainline pipes have been replaced in 6 neighborhoods. The aging drinking water line of 101 neighborhoods in two districts is being renewed with the project with an investment cost of approximately 50 million liras.
The first digging for the giant drinking water project carried out by the Antalya Metropolitan Municipality ASAT General Directorate was struck on 22 March World Water Day.
The project, which was started in Kepez and Muratpaşa districts with the aim of renewing the lines that have completed their economic life and frequently malfunctioned, and to provide healthier and more efficient drinking water service to the citizens, continues rapidly. Within the scope of the project, a total of 12 thousand 533 meters of drinking water mainline pipes and 1425 subscriber branch roads have been renewed in the districts of Üçgen in the district of Muratpaşa, and in the districts of Vergik, Karşıyaka, Waterfall, Yeni Emek, Altınova, and Göksu.
Continues on Mehmet Atay Avenue
The works continue on Kepez District Güneş Mahallesi Mehmet Atay Street. 2,100 meters of pipes are being replaced on the mainline on the street. After Mehmet Atay Street, the drinking water line renovation works will continue in Kepez district Barış Neighborhood, Muratpaşa district Fener and Kızılırmak Streets.
Thanks to the president Bocek
Local authorities stated that there have been drinking water failures in their neighborhoods for years and said, “Pipe bursts and water cuts were occurring frequently. These problems were experienced due to the small diameter of the pipes used in the past and ending their economic life. The Mayor of the Metropolitan Municipality, Muhittin Bocek, dealt with this problem. The pipes installed now are wider and healthier. With this work, we will get quality service and the breakdowns will be minimized".
50 Million TL investment
Within the scope of the giant drinking water project with an investment cost of approximately 50 million TL, a total of 150 kilometers of mainline and 120 kilometers of subscriber branch roads will be renewed in 101 neighborhoods. PVC-O pipes will be installed at the parcel entrances to prevent water loss and leakage. Within the scope of the modernization to be realized, the SCADA system, which allows smart drinking water management, will also be improved.
Will meet 50 years of need
With the project, drinking water lines that frequently fail are replaced with new ones. For this purpose, in the light of retrospectively scanned data, streets with 50 or more repairs in the last 5 years were included in the list. In addition, old pipes are also replaced and healthier standard type pipes are installed. It is predicted that the lines in the region will provide uninterrupted and healthy service for the next 50 years when the entire manufacturing and modification process is completed. The work is expected to be completed within 2 years.