Molecor publishes the new edition of the TOM® Oriented PVC Pipe Network Design and Use Technical Manual, which includes updates due to the expansion of the range of TOM® pipes and ecoFITTOM® Oriented PVC (PVC-O) fittings, and updates of different standards.
Innovative and comprehensive solutions in PVC-O for pressurized water distribution networks and compatible with the rest of the technical solutions applicable to the entire range of pipes.
With the implementation of this product range, Molecor responds to the needs that the water supply market presents today, offering highly effective, sustainable plastic solutions with a long life expectancy.
The manual brings together the characteristics, advantages, fields of applications, aptitude for use and sustainability of the pipes and fittings, offering a wide range of practical cases of mechanical and hydraulic calculations of pipes and fittings manufactured with the exclusive Molecor technology, with the aim of supporting and improving in the knowledge to the user in the design and project, execution and operation of pressure water conduction networks.
Very competitive products, compared to other materials, and that offer advantages such as: great resistance to impact, greater hydraulic capacity, better behavior against water hammer, great chemical resistance, complete watertight, lower load losses and easy installation, among others.
Excellence in pressurized water pipes