Lightness: PVC-O systems are lighter and easier to install than other materials. Installation of pipe up to size DN315 mm can be done manually. The PVC-O systems formed with ecoFITTOM® fittings and TOM® pipes are between six and twelve times lighter than the ductile iron systems. This fact makes it unnecessary the use of mechanical elements for their manipulation, up to the diameter mentioned before, thus contributing to considerably reduce the installation costs.
Ductility: PVC-O pipes and fittings recover their original shape after being struck or impact while being handled or installed. This ductility property improves crack propagation of PVC-O material and ensures optimal performance once they are installed.
Plug connection system: the efficient design of pipe socket and high-performance rubber seal guarantee total leak tightness and allow connecting the pipes and the fittings in a efficient way. The plug connection system facilitates the installation and ensures a connection between pipes and fittings.
Thanks to this system it is not necessary to use weldings contrary to what happens with other materials. Furthermore, PVC-O pipes and fittings are lighter, what makes them easier to install and efficient in comparison with other materials. This can reduce the installation period and shorten the project completion time.
The high chemical and mechanical resistance that PVC-O presents against degradation prevents leakages of the channeled water. This material ensures, therefore, a greater durability of the product reaching a useful life of more than 100 years compared to the 30 years that other materials present.
The PVC-O fittings, ecoFITTOM®, as well as the TOM® pipes present a higher installation performance in meters/hour in comparison with the solutions made of other materials due to the three following main reasons:
- They are very light and ductile fittings.
- They can be unloaded and placed in the trench in an easier way and with greater performance due to their high resistance to impact.
- The easy connection between TOM® pipes and ecoFITTOM® fittings, thanks to the plug system, results in very high installation ratios.