Certifications, TOM® PVC-O pipes quality commitment
Molecor follows an Integrated Quality and Environment Management System based on the UNE-EN ISO 9001:2008 and UNE-EN ISO 14001:2004 standards, for the "Manufacture of PVC-O Pipes for conveyance of fluids under pressure."
UNE-EN ISO 9001:2008 certificate for the Manufacture of PVC-O Pipes for conveyance of fluids under pressure.
The quality of TOM® pipes and its manufacture, according to the Spanish product standard UNE-ISO 16422:2015 "Tubos y uniones de poli(cloruro de vinilo) orientado (PVC-O) para conducción de agua a presión” (Pipes and joints made of oriented unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-O) for the conveyance of water under pressure), is guaranteed by the AENOR Product Certificate", the French NF Mark according to the NF T 54-948:2010 standard, "Tubes en poly (chlorure de vinyle) orienté biaxial (PVC-BO) et leurs assemblages" and the South African SANS 16422:2007 “Pipes and joints made of oriented unplasticezed pol(vinyl) chloride (PVC-O) for the conveyance of water under pressure”, is endorsed with the relevant product certificates.
AENOR certificate ISO 9001:2015
AENOR product certificate N mark for the manufacture of Oriented unplasticized ply (vinyl chloride) (PVC-O) pipes for the conveyance of water
Product certificate in accordance with the official Mexican standard NOM-001-CONAGUA-2011
AENOR certificate ISO 14001:2015
AFNOR product certificate, NF mark for DN 90 to DN 500 in PN 16 and DN110 to DN500 in PN 25