Continuing its decarbonisation roadmap, after certifying the Loeches production plant, Molecor announces the extension of the scope of the Energy Management System certification for its Alcázar de San Juan, Alovera and Antequera production plants, according to the requirements of the UNE-EN ISO 50001:2018 standard, implemented during 2024. This certification, once again obtained through AENOR, allows us to continue implementing energy efficiency initiatives and the correct management of energy-related aspects in all of our Spanish production centres, thus achieving real and quantifiable savings in the energy costs of our operations. These savings will allow us to reduce our carbon footprint and contribute even more to the fight against climate change.
Moving forward with our Integrated Management System
Raising awareness and responsibility regarding energy use and consumption is one of the most important contributions to caring for the planet. For this reason, given the status of the Alcázar de San Juan, Alovera, Antequera and Loeches centres as electricity intensive consumers, the implementation of the Energy Management System in accordance with the ISO 50001 standard has been a key element in the continuous improvement process that we have defined in our Action Plan to advance towards our goal of carbon neutrality.
The implementation of the energy management system has enabled us to identify the significant energy uses and consumption of our production facilities. This monitoring, together with the ongoing energy review, has provided us with valuable information that has helped us to target energy saving measures on key uses and equipment, and to improve the efficiency and energy performance of our facilities.
This new energy management system has been fully incorporated into the Integrated Management System (IMS) for Quality, Environment, Energy and Health and Safety that the company has implemented in all its Spanish plants.
These actions, aimed at improving the energy efficiency of our production processes, will allow us to make significant progress in the roadmap of the Decarbonisation Plan and the ESG Strategic Plan, where Molecor has set as one of its main objectives to achieve Net Zero by 2040. To this end, the energy savings achieved through the implementation of energy saving measures and the ongoing monitoring of the entire system will help us to reduce our energy consumption and consequently our carbon footprint as an organisation, as both direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere will be reduced. In this way, we will actively contribute to climate change mitigation.