As every year, October 24th marks the International Day Against Climate Change, a date that invites us to reflect on how climate change is altering our planet in an unrestrained way, how essential it is to raise awareness about the urgent need to face this phenomenon and how to formulate combined responses that slow down this change and, in turn, have a positive impact; because climate change is a real threat that requires urgent global action, a shared responsibility to define concrete measures that allow us to mitigate and adapt to these changes. A reality that affects us all and is considered one of the greatest challenges of our time, but if we act in a collective and committed manner, we can try to reverse the climate situation so that the future can be much more sustainable.
Understanding the main causes of this problem is essential in order to address it in a much more effective and direct way, since the relentless burning of fossil fuels, the use of transport, the generation and consumption of electricity from non-renewable sources, the cutting down of forests, food production and the different manufacturing processes that exist mean that, as a whole, our atmosphere and, consequently, our planet, is increasingly altered, exploited and weakened.
Molecor in action for the climate
This international day also pursues one of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), specifically SDG 13 Climate Action, focused on the need to take urgent measures to combat climate change and its effects. This is why Molecor is firmly committed to carry out all those actions within its reach and to set new challenges on the horizon so that its impact on the planet is as little negative as possible. Proof of this can be found in all the milestones that have been reached during 2024.
The planning of the Sustainability Strategy is one of the most important actions. One of its main ambitions is to become a Net Zero company by 2040, and to this end, it is developing a Decarbonization Plan to achieve this goal and a Climate Risk Analysis.
The calculation and preparation of the Organization's Carbon Footprint report is another aspect of its firm commitment to the environment. The company is calculating its greenhouse gas emissions emitted directly or indirectly as a result of its activities using the well-known Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Standard (GHG Protocol) quantification methodology. The results obtained will be available in the coming weeks, as they are currently in the verification phase. Knowing the carbon footprint offers the company a very powerful tool to know which are the main consumptions and which are the ones that produce more emissions in order to be able to apply different measures to reduce them and reduce our carbon footprint.
Obtaining the Energy Management System certification in accordance with the ISO 50001 standard at the Loeches production plant, and the current implementation at the Alovera, Alcázar de San Juan and Antequera centers, is another milestone. This certification allows us to become aware of and take responsibility for the different energy uses and consumption of the production centers, whose continuous energy monitoring and review will provide us with powerful information to be able to establish energy saving measures in the most significant uses and equipment and thus improve the efficiency and energy performance of our facilities. Another commitment is to increase the use of electricity from renewable sources, such as the current photovoltaic panel plant at the Loeches plant and the purchase of energy from guaranteed sources, since the use of this energy source allows us to significantly reduce the CO2 emissions associated with this consumption and, consequently, our carbon footprint.