Pumping line from Palomares desalination to the raft of Abellán CCRR Cuevas de la Almanzora

Investment actions focused on rehabilitating the water transport network from the desalination plant that recovers aquifers from the irrigation itself. The modernization of this infrastructure, discards other incompatible materials with an acid Ph in some supplies, necessary to preserve and dispose of water resources for irrigation in the Almanzora basin, located in Levant, Almeria.

Modernization of the Irrigation zone with waters regulated by the argos reservoir of Calasparra, Murcia (Spain)

The irrigated area of the Irrigation Community of the waters regulated by the Argos of Calasparra reservoir is located in the municipalities of Calasparra and Cehegín, located northwest of the province of Murcia, at the confluence point of the Argos and Segura rivers.

The main objective of this modernization is to change the traditional system, which distributed water through channels and ditches, to drip irrigation by using pipes manufactured for the conveyance of water under pressure.

ASA de la Bietre

Collective irrigation project involving 23 farms of "ASA of Biétre" (Association Syndicale Autorisée de la Biétre). This project is part of the closure of the sugar factory of Aiserey in the Souteast of Dijon, south of the A39 and A31 highways, of the Dijon-Bourgogne airport, and West of the l'Ouche river.